Thursday, March 27, 2008


Oh. My. Guh--.

Sir, mon.

Everything in the whole world has led up to this Reverend Wright problem. If this is what then prevents the world from enjoying an Obama presidency, I'll be steamed but not surprised. I mean, how could you be? Reverend Wright is chastised because he tells a conspiracy tale, tells that AIDS was brought upon his people by the uncaring (white) American empire -- and thus, plague was unleashed upon America's very own brothers and sisters, amen. "Oh, he can't say that. It's the most vile anti-American vitriol you'll ever hear. And Barack Obama knowingly associated with this man. It's unbelievable." But anywhere else in Wright's sermons, or any preacher's sermon, when agency is attributed to dangerous natural phenomena... that's either just God's newspaper, or the way people make sense of their lives. Conspiracy theory is modern religiosity. Reverend Wright was complaining about the uncaring response of the government to health problems in the ghetto, amen. Big whoop.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Andrew Sullivan Called It A "White Backlash"

I couldn't decide what it's saying until near the end. By then, it's clear where sympathies reside.

Sen. McCain

Appealing in his way, I guess.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Mike Huckabee on Barack Obama's Speech on Race

The interest is in the second half. Predictably, the hosts behave like buffoons. Mike Huckabee and Barack Obama working together in a few areas could get a lot done.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Mo' Perfect Blues

Modern speech and thought.

Monday, March 17, 2008

20 minutes or so about why [he's] 4 Barack

Lawrence Lessig, Stanford technology intellectual and possible candidate for Congress, on some important aspects of Obama's political persona.

Maya Soetoro-Ng, Barack's Sister

"You can make the choice to be grounded, and still keep the intellectual and emotional and spiritual doors open to the rest of the world."


Denied an on-campus voting place, students from a Black College in Texas walk seven miles to vote.

Not So Bad (Or Is It Just Me?)

I don't see it. Well, I can imagine. But, because it's essentially truth-telling, people may still see the light.

McCain lets Obama off the hook

He knows some things.

We Are The Ones We've Been Waiting For

Maybe my favorite. (Excerpts from the Super Tuesday Speech.)

Civica Verite

Call it "Blue Gardens" The crowd waits for Barack Obama to come out, back in February. That looks like the stage there in the center of the crowd. I like the energy level.

A Debate Classic

From back on January 5th. Right after the big initial win in Iowa, just before Hillary Clinton won New Hampshire.

We Got The Mo, by The Rockabelles

What irony? I'm pure cornbread. Always have been.

Kingston Slams Obama for Flag Pin

This is what we're up against.